Top Line Coaching, LLC.

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Summer 2024 News

Catch up with the latest news from Top Line Coaching!

We hope you are having a wonderful summer so far! As we head into the middle of the season, races and competitions are heating up and we are excited for our athletes to express the fitness they have earned. Just around the corner for us are Ironman 70.3 Maine, Buffman and Squeaky Tri Festival, Grindstone Trail Run, RimtoRimtoRim (Grand Canyon), and more! Read on below for our news and check back with us for race/event reports later this summer!



Introducing the most comprehensive online education resource for triathlon: TRIATHLON-101. This course provides a complete and comprehensive study of the sport of triathlon for athletes of all backgrounds. The course is particularly suited to new triathletes but provides enough detail for experienced triathletes to gain new insights and knowledge about the sport. In addition to the basics of learning about swimming, biking, and running, the course delves into specificity of training for various race distances, nutrition for workouts and races, and race strategy and planning. Visit TRIATHLON-101 to learn more!


NOW available on the TRAINING PEAKS platform: Top Line Coaching triathlon plans. I am excited to offer training plans for Sprint, Olympic, and Half Distance races. These plans provide triathletes with a structured approach to training for goal races while still allowing for flexibility to move workouts around to suit ones individual needs. Plans are affordably priced, starting at just $65 for the Sprint plan.  


Dr. Monet Young is a physical therapist based in Lubbock, Texas but has the capability to reach and teach athletes globally! Dr. Monet is a passionate advocate for health and wellness through movement. As such, she is now offering 1-on-1, tailored strength programs to Top Line athletes! I am so honored to have Monet as part of my team of trusted practitioners, both for myself personally and for my clients. Please reach out directly to Monet via Your body will thank you!

Thank you for catching up with us! Please reach out with questions about triathlon training, mental coaching, or anything fitness-related. Stay tuned for more news coming soon!