Top Line Coaching, LLC.

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Making the Most out of Race Week

Prepare to Succeed!

Sometimes it seems like no matter how well prepared we are with our training, race week presents us with challenges we don't often face during a regular training week. One of the best ways to enjoy race week (instead of dreading it) is to be well prepared with your race gear, supplies, and your mindset.

By being prepared in advance with your supplies and logistics, you can prevent many of the last minute melt downs with these tips:

  1. Bike tune up: get your bike into the shop for a FULL work up 1-2 weeks in advance of leaving for your race.

  2. Nutrition needs: purchase all of your race foods, drinks, and supplements 2 weeks in advance.

  3. Other items to have on hand: new goggles, spare flip flops, enough bottles to carry on your bike and for special needs (Iron distance), spare nutrition for special needs.

  4. Electronics: charging cables for all devices, spare batteries if necessary, electrical tape, and scissors.

  5. Wetsuit: if your race is wetsuit legal, make sure you wear it in the water at least once before race day. Wetsuits feel tight when you haven't worn them in a while. It is advisable to get at least one (and preferably more) open water swim in it before race day.

  6. Process goals: probably one of the most important tools you can take into a race wit your is your mindset which includes your process goals. Instead of focusing on an outcome goal (e.g.: I want to beat xx:xx time), focus on the process of racing to your potential. That usually means focusing on what you CAN DO to make the most of race day. E.g.: focus on a good line in the swim, build your effort on the bike, eat at regular intervals on the bike, and focusing on cadence and drive on the run.