Ironman 70.3 Texas Report

Texas Racing is here!

The 2022 triathlon season has officially begun! Ironman 70.3 Texas is usually the first race of the season for West Texas triathletes. This race is a perennial favorite - it has always been a warm, welcoming atmosphere and a "gentle" (somewhat!!) way to ease into the race season. This year however, winter and spring training seemed challenging. Perhaps it was the unpredictable weather or just the effects of one more year of miles on the body, but the excitement to race is always there. Race weekend always starts with athlete check-in and the expo. Pictured below is Top Line athlete Ashley Ellis-Dotson enjoying the finish line celebrations with her husband Mark.

Top Line athlete, Ashley Ellis-Dotson and her husband Mark Dotson.

Coach Nik and husband Ronnie, enjoy the beautiful gulf breeze!

We had three Top Line Coaching athletes racing and an additional three Top Line Tri Club athletes on the start line on April 3rd, 2022. Race day started with a crisp, clear sunrise and a chilly/refreshing jump off the dock to start our day! This race used a rolling seeded swim start which has some great benefits for some but some drawbacks in other ways. No opportunity for a pre-race swim warm up means athletes have to use other means of getting physically and mentally prepared to race and it can test even the most experienced triathletes. After the "shock" of jumping into cool water with 2500 of one's friends, it's easier to settle into a nice rhythm with the added buoyancy of salt water and the very well-designed swim course.

After exiting the swim, we were greeted by hundreds of cheering spectators, making the jog through transition a real thrill! The Galveston bike course is known for smooth, flat roads and a tail wind on the way out to the furthest point on the course. The return trip is where mental toughness and race plan execution really matter. Pictured below is Top Line athlete Brent Aucutt riding a strong and balanced race and capitalizing on his cycling strength.

The bike ends on Moody Gardens' property with a huge crowd of spectators to cheer us home before starting the looped run course around the resort property. Having so much crowd support makes for a really fun experience (Aside from the pain of racing;)!!). Pictured below is Coach Nik on the bike course.

Top Line athletes work hard to train for the swim and bike but the run is where execution really matters. Your effort, nutrition, and mindset all set you up for a strong run and this run course provides a lot of opportunities to make up time on the little uphills, sharp turns, and sandy/gravel portions. Below is Brent Aucutt, setting a very sensible pace and staying SUPER consistent, way to go Brent!!

Not slowing down is the key to a good run and that can be especially challenging on a warmer-than-you-are-used-to run! Below is Coach Nik enjoying some crowd support before heading out on her first lap of the run.

The biggest reward comes after the race when you feel the high of crossing the finish line and you can recover from the pain of racing. Ashley Ellis-Dotson and her husband Mark soak in the post-race atmosphere and a shared sense of accomplishment in racing together!

Congratulations to Top Line Tri Club for placing 19th out of 278 in the tri club standings!

No race weekend is complete without the food pics!!!

What's Up Next?

Next up, Top Line athletes will be racing at the Lubbock Mayor's Marathon on April 24th, Buffman and Squeaky Trifest on May 15th, and our BIG hometown race; Ironman 70.3 Lubbock on June 26th. Stay tuned for updates and reports from those races. Thanks for stopping by and catching up with our news!


Ironman 70.3 Lubbock Report


Top Line Early Spring Update